n the context of their professional, social and personal activities, communication and public relations needs are growing and they make it necessary for eminent members of society and the economy to travel. Our company ensures optimal protection of life and physical safety by assigning the security of travel of VIP officials to professional and well trained drivers and security guards.We invest in further education and training of our associates in modern bodyguard techniques, VIP security and travel security, as well as in deterring ever-increasing risks.
For these reasons, we offer:
- Experienced and highly trained security drivers
- Security guards, individuals or groups
- Modern transport safety systems (satellite, GPS tracking, etc.)
- Escort security vehicles.

- Protection against all risks and difficulties, whether caused by intent, accident, or through negligence. Naturally, the main concern is protection of life.
- Protection of physical safety.
- Deterring violations of honour by illegal forces that may arise, as well by threats and extortions.
- Protection must not interfere without reason with the freedom and duties of the protected party.
- Creating not even the slightest difficulty, the private life of the protected party to always be respected with tact and absolute discretion.
The protection team shall adapt itself and the measures taken to facilitate the protected person so as to:
- prevent accidents or risks,
- recognize potential threats,
- eliminate or avoid the problem.

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