SM SECURITY undertakes and can provide every organization or company Information Technology (IT) Systems Consulting, as well as Technical Services, for any IT project implemented by the organization or company.ISM SECURITY provides advice to the Management of a Company/Organization in order to apply the best technological solutions, trying at all times to contribute to the best decision making with the best possible outcome. It brings the best standards of quality and efficiency and impartial action together, free of any interest, be it financial or otherwise, which may cause conflicts of interest between the consultant and those of the client, promotion, rewarding and implementation of projects according to the policy of consulting services.

Information Systems
- Providing Business Solutions to Online Services
- Electronic Document Software Management
- Management and Maintenance of Installations/Systems
- Providing Application Solutions
- Consulting Services for the Monitoring of Information and Telecommunication Systems
- Ιnformation Systems Management Consulting
- Information Systems Security
- Τraining and Support
- Τechnical Writing/Document Management
- Alignment with Security Policies
- Cost Reduction and Relevant Risks
- Maximizing Investment Return on Security

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